Mandatory in MoMeD

If you are enrolled in MoMeD, following courses and activities are mandatory:


Complete SPP 1 within the first 6 - 12 months of your PhD project

In this 2-day course, you will:

  • learn how a scientific project is planned using classical and agile methods
  • clarify your motivation to start the scientific project
  • establish your goals and envision the benefits of your project
  • analyze all potential stakeholders and assess possible risks you may encounter
  • set priorities to manage your time in an efficient way.



A 2-day off-campus event every year in May or June, you should attend every year. Learn more about Summer School here: 



Complete SPP2 during the last 12 - 9 months of your PhD 

In this training, you will:

  • learn new methods to plan the final stage of your research project
  • learn how to keep motivation up dealing with potential conflicts, focusing on the right priorities, and avoiding procrastination
  • talk about the use of the Business Model You® approach to clarify your value to potential employers
  • assess your current network and work on strategies to expand it.  





MoMeD Summer school is an annual event which brings MoMeD PhD students and supervisors from different research environments and centers together. The two-day event offers an opportunity to network, to share knowledge, to hear about research of your peers and to attend workshops of your choice on scientific or transferable skills topics.

More information: 




Check on the website of Graduate school which additional activities are mandatory for all PhD students at Faculty of health and medical sciences.

To help you navigate your Change of research environment, MoMeD prepared a checklist which you can download here.