PhD course: Genome Maintenance and Diseases

A 4 day course on genome maintenance and diseases




lectures and discussions

Learning objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
1. Understand and describe the main pathways of genome maintenance and their molecular links to cancer and other human diseases

2. Understand the benefits and limitations of different model systems and technologies to study genome maintenance processes

3. Analyze experimental data and communicate scientific hypothesis and results

4. Gain a broad perspective of how basic research can be translated into the clinic

1. Introduction to genome maintenance pathways and diseases

2. Mechanisms and experimental methods:
- DNA Replication stress, protein signaling, and DNA damage response
- Imaging, DNA sequencing, structural, and screening technologies

3. Physiology and model organisms:
- Modeling genome maintenance diseases in mice
- Genome instability in germline cells

4. From basic research to the clinic:
- Drug design, validation, and approval
- Novel technologies in disease diagnosis
- Disease treatment

Course directors

Julien Duxin, BRIC/CPR 

Niels Mailand, CPR 

Claus Storgaard Sørensen, BRIC 

Invited speakers (preliminary list)

Lucia Carrasco & Andres Lopez-Contreras, Cabimer, Sevilla, Spain

Kim Theilgaard-Mønch, BRIC, University of Copenhagen

Fena Ochs, BRIC, University of Copenhagen

Haico van Attikum, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Fran Supek, BRIC, University of Copenhagen

Eva Hoffman, ICMM, University of Copenhagen

Thomas Miller, ICMM, University of Copenhagen

Arne Nedergaard, VUS Diagnostics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Andrew Jackson, University of Edinburgh / Grant Stewart, University of Birmingham, UK

Further information about the course and registration link: